Aqqiumavvik is committed to doing community-based research that will give us good information and help us to improves programs for the community. A lot of these research projects are ones that we take on because they help us improve. Others are ones that come to us from other organizations who recognize our capacity and want help.
Current Research Projects
Aajiqatigiingniq Inunnguinirmut
We are working with Elders to help provide content for a pre-natal support and early years home visiting program, a pre-school curriculum and an instructor’s training program that are grounded n Inunnguiniq. We are working with the Paul Martin Foundation and the Pirurvik Pre-school in this work. We are also developing resources for families in partnership with the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health. These programs and resources will be available in Arviat once the work is completed.
Aajiiqatigiiniq Healing
We are working with Elders and a community committee is look at the possibilities of using aajiqatiingniq as a model for healing programs. We have been approached by the Department of Justice to help design a model for alternatives to courts for offenders and with the Department of Health to look at how aajiqatigiingniq can be used in recovery programs from substance use. We will be partnering on the and design and development of the new recovery centre for Nunavut.
Ujjiqsuiniq Research
This research involves training youth in the Young Hunters Program to monitor changes in the environment and wildlife using technologies such as SmartICE, SIKU and marine mapping so that we have good data to harvest sustainably and safely.
Aqqiumavvik is working with a number of research partners to collect weather, water, ice and climate change information. We coordinate this research across 9 communities in Nunavut. This information will help us to identify what kinds of weather services Inuit need.
Food security
This has been an important issue in Arviat. We have been working in this area for several years to promote eating country foods, improving our diets and providing resources to promote healthier living. We continue to develop cookbooks for ways to use country foods and promoting good eating over Facebook and Youtube. We are also working with the Department of Family Services to deliver an awareness campaign across Nunavut to promote food security, including a survey to gather feedback and ideas for the government to use in developing new approaches to programs.
We are about to launch a research project to look at the expected and unexpected impacts of COVID-19 for Nunavummiut. This is a joint project between 5 northern countries. Aqqiumavvik will be leading the data collection for Nunavut. This project is funded by the Canadian Health Institute for Research.
Sleep Research
Working with researchers from the University of Toronto, we will be exploring the quality of sleep that people have and the consequences of how/why our sleep patterns might be interrupted or alternated. This might be especially of interest since many Arviarmiut now work shifts at the mine.
Aqqiumavvik has been doing research into alternatives for our housing crisis since 2002. We are currently funded over the next 5 years in a partnership with the U of Toronto and Waterloo University to look at alternative housing proposals that will address the current housing needs of the community and the ways families would prefer to be housed in the future.